I must admit that I am not very fun of
Webquests. I personally don't like to follow written directions. But I have to get pass this and move on with technology for my students. I also had the misconception that
Webquest were for higher grades. Since all my teaching experience has been in kinder and first grade I have not found very many
Webquests for this grades. I have also learned that I could use a
Webquest with the whole class with me being the facilitator.
The article that I read talked about guidelines for a webquests. Some of the most important are:
that the webquest aligns with the state standards, demonstrate a higher order thinking skills, allows collaboration, gives clear directions, be curriculum specific and requires some previous knowledge.
Although I am familiar with the concept of Webquests, I have not utilized them as much as I could. As I find out more about them, I'm inclined to think that they are key to integrating technology more smoothly.
As for applying to younger grades, I would try talking to Cheryl...she has had the same challenge planning things for her kinders. In terms of the written directions, possibly you could create one that uses photos (digital camera project?) to show students what they are supposed to do at each step. This may actually work better with students struggling to read/ELL students.
Just an idea...
Adam :)
I am a little nervous about the WebQuest assignment too. I think that the information in the articles will prove to be very useful in the long run. I think that you might want to create a KidQuest if your working with some younger students. Do you have you topic yet? Let me know if I can help in anyway.
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